Flexibility accommodations permit the student to receive a reasonable number of excused absences or reasonable consideration for an extension on an assignment deadline, or allow for the student to attend class in a remote manner if determined to be reasonable in nature, among other things. This reasonableness standard can be determined by analyzing the course design and expectations of students using this guide. Application of these accommodations should NOT compromise the essential design and learning outcomes of your course.

Flexibility accommodations are primarily to assist students with managing acute and unpredictable episodes of their disability that may complicate meeting the core objectives of a course as faculty have defined in their syllabus. CAE has dedicated a couple of different webpages to explaining each of the more common types of flexibility accommodations and what is expected of students, CAE staff, and faculty when applying these accommodations to a specific course.

If you have more questions about qualifying for a flexibility accommodation or specific procedures required to implement one of these accommodations, please email your Disability Specialist or caeintake@saonet.ucla.edu.